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Research Grants

Research Grants are available from the Police History Society. The PHS Grant Policy is contained below


1. The object of the Society is to advance the public education in police history and this may be achieved by, inter alia, publication of contemporary research into the subject, encouraging research into all aspects of police history and publishing the useful results of such research


2. The Committee of the Society may make grants to help with the cost of individual research into police history


3. Applications for a grant must give full details of the project and methodology, the anticipated costs and whether funding is available from other sources. In the case of a serving officer or research affecting an individual police force, the agreement or otherwise of the Chief Officer should be shown


4. Applications should be focussed on an aspect of police history and will be considered on the basis of their originality and merit. Progress reports may be required depending on the duration of the project. A final report, outlining the principal findings of the inquiry, is to be presented within three months of the end of the research and will be reported in the Journal of the Police History Society. Any publication originating out of the research must acknowledge the Society’s assistance


5. The grant will be at the discretion of the Committee


Notes for the guidance of applicants


The Committee have agreed that they will not accept applications to help fund the publication of research after it has been completed nor to assist with tuition fees. The funding sought must relate to the specific costs of the research itself


Examples of recent successful applications include:

  •    Creation of a website on police and crime history

  •    Audio equipment for oral history interviews

  •    Travel expenses and document copying for research on Suffragettes and the police

  •    Police as Ploughmen: How the police helped Britain to overcome starvation in the First World War


If you feel that the PHS Society can help you, to a maximum of £500 of support, please forward your proposal to

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